Private Collections
Private Collections
Private Collection &
Gimbel’s Dept. Store
Whaling Museum, Nantucket, MA.
The Beach Boys
David and Crissey Copperfield, Scotland
Art Garfunkel
George P. Broadwell
Frank Suslavich
Mike & Debbie Semendinger
Isaac Stern
Chris Mitchum
1800 House – Nantucket, MA.
Farmer’s Museum – Cooperstown, N.Y.
United States Olympic Commission
Cahoon Museum of American Art – Cape Cod, MA.
Arlo Gutherie
Baseball Hall of Fame – Cooperstown, N.Y.
David & Beverly Yunich
Harry Anderson
Estate of Barbara Bush
Stanley Arnold
John D. and Catherine T. Mac Arthur Foundation
Levar Burton
Hon. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Estate of Dr. Benjamin Spock
Sternberg Galleries, Chicago
Brinson’s Galleries, Sarasota Fl.
Gallery Of The Eccentric, Coral Gables Fl.
Eldred Wheeler Galleries, Houston TX.
Charles Bronfman
Dr. David Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Du Pont
NHA – Nantucket Historical Association
Marshall Fields – Chicago, Il.
Estate of Dr. & Mrs. Allen Gelb
Estate of Senator Ted Kennedy
Estate of Penny Marshall
Ms. Jean Kennedy
Estate of Emmett Kelly Sr.
Mrs. Ethel Kennedy
Carlton Varney
Whoopi Goldberg
The Beach Boys
Estate of Cliff Robertson
CDC – Atlanta, Ga.
Justin Ross
Osona Gallery, Nantucket
Worthington Town Hall, Worthington, England
Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, N.Y.
David Copperfield, England